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10 Tips for Staying Productive When Working From Home


Jul 04, 2023

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In the not-so-distant past, the workforce was shackled to the traditional office setup, as if the physical space held the key to productivity. Today, there are many brave souls whose jobs are no longer confined within four walls. And while remote work definitely has its perks—freedom, flexibility, and no time wasted on a long commute, staying productive working from home also has its challenges. 

So we’ve gathered proven strategies and tips for working from home. Whether you’re a seasoned remote worker or you’re just starting out, these essential tips will empower you to be at your best regardless of your location.

Working from home productivity in a nutshell

The recent COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to compare the productivity of workers in an office set-up vs a work-from-home set-up. 

Check out these numbers:

How to stay productive at home: 10 tips for remote workers 

1. Set up a dedicated workspace

While working from your bed or the sofa may sound appealing at first—trust us, it won’t be comfortable in the long run. 

Creating a dedicated space in your home solely for your work is crucial for maintaining focus and productivity. Find a quiet spot or even turn an extra bedroom into your very own home office. Having a nearby window is even better so you get your dose of natural light and wind.

Do invest in an ergonomic chair, a large desk (some even go for standing desks), and proper lighting to keep you alert and laser-focused when in work mode. Add a plant in a corner or hang photos of your loved ones or your dogs to keep you inspired.

When you have a dedicated space for work, this will signal your brain that it’s time to work, helping you enter a productive zone.

2. Establish a routine—and follow it

Having a routine is key to staying disciplined and productive as a remote worker. Regular routines have plenty of benefits—better health, bigger headspace for creativity, less stress, and better mental health.

Here are some tips for establishing a routine:

3. Set clear goals for the day

Some remote workers prefer doing this before they go to sleep at night, so they are mentally prepared to take on the next day. Some like to do this after their morning routine, to take into account any tasks or instructions they may have received during the night. Whatever works for you—you do you. What matters is getting yourself into a goal mindset with objectives to tackle during the day. 

4. Build your ultimate tech stack

Leverage the tools at your fingertips! As a remote worker, your digital toolkit plays a vital role—so take the time to explore and invest in tools and apps that can streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity. 

In a nutshell, your digital nomad tech stack should have:

5. Take regular breaks

It may seem counterintuitive to stop working in order to be more productive. But taking breaks is actually crucial. Even short coffee breaks or power naps spread throughout the day will be enough to recharge your energy and focus.

You can schedule your breaks after a focused work timeslot, or after you wrap up one task. It’s all up to you. During your break, use the time to stretch, stand, go for a quick walk, or read a few pages of a book. What’s important is stepping away from your workspace and allowing your mind some respite.

6. Make time for self-care

When working from the comfort of your home, it’s easy to neglect self-care. After all, you have the freedom to work in your pajamas. You don’t even have to take a shower and no one will know. However, taking care of yourself is vital for your long-term productivity and well-being. 

Here are some ways that you can practice self-care:

7. Try out different productivity techniques to find what works for you

Explore different productivity techniques like the Pomodoro Technique which involves working in focused intervals with short breaks in between. The Eisenhower Matrix is another popular one, which helps prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. There’s also time blocking, which also works well for others.

Continue with what works for you, and stop with those that aren’t helping. Productivity is a personal journey, and you will soon figure out the right techniques for you.

8. Find an accountability buddy or a support group

An accountability buddy is someone who shares their goals with you and helps you track yours. If you have friends who are also remote workers, you can create regular check-ins to help one another stay on top of your to-dos.

You can also explore online communities and membership sites targeted to digital nomads. There are often a lot of engaging discussions and helpful tips from like-minded individuals. 

9. Establish boundaries

One of the common issues that remote workers experience is finding it hard to work in a full household. If you’re living with your family or with housemates, let them know about your work hours. 

Clearly define when you need uninterrupted work time—especially if you’ll be attending Zoom calls or speaking with your team.

10. Lastly… don’t be too hard on yourself.

As with all things, even if you have a dedicated workspace and a routine, there might be a day when you can’t finish everything you set out to do. Maybe you’d have a surprise visit from a relative. Or there might be a storm and your neighborhood will experience a blackout. Or maybe a task that you thought would take 30 minutes turns out to be way more complex. 

Cut yourself some slack. These things happen, and when they do, it doesn’t mean you’re less productive. 

At the same time, celebrate your wins and accomplishments—no matter how small. Finished a task? Order your favorite dessert! Closed a new client? Go out for dinner at your favorite restaurant. 

When you reward yourself, this boosts your motivation and reinforces positive work habits. Plus, remember that you work to live, and not live to work. 

Embrace the digital nomad lifestyle and be at your most productive from anywhere

Working from home and owning the digital nomad lifestyle provides endless possibilities for your personal and professional growth. By implementing these tips, you can maximize your productivity, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and excel in your career. 

Remember that finding what works for you may take some time especially if you’re still starting out as a digital nomad. You may need to experiment a lot, but as long as you stay focused on your goals, you will get to that sweet spot of being a thriving digital nomad. 


  • Working from home productivity in a nutshell
  • How to stay productive at home: 10 tips for remote workers 
  • Embrace the digital nomad lifestyle and be at your most productive from anywhere

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